Om Mani Padme Hum

What is and What it should be. Sharing thoughts of a few people.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

karma kop. rambling thoughts

recently i had a talk with a person who told me about a situation where in x did not want to take someone else's karma on their head.

karma is action.

simply put, what you give out is what you receive - either in the same or in similar form

karma simply deals with what is. The effects of all deeds actively create past, present and future experiences, thus making one responsible for one's own life, and the pain and joy brought to others.

buddha teaches subhuti, "what makes a bodhisattva so great is that the bodhisattva does not take pride in his/her work to save others, nor is their compassion calculated or contrived. They practise sincere compassion that comes from deep within, without any sense of ego or gain."

if this is the state which one operates from (kind of difficult, the bloody ego,poking its nose into everything) then whatever you visualise will manifest.

and can one every get into this state of mind and continue to be there? i think i see a vague glimpse of how this can happen. possibly a 3/4 step program?

- love yourself unconditionally
- when you love yourself unconditionally, you automatically love everyone else unconditionally
- when you are in love then fear disappears
- when there is no fear then your mind is open to anything new.

when you are in a state of acceptance, you are completely empty and into this emptiness flows in universal love. and in this state your ego disappears, and all your actions will be pure(?!)

when you are in love, you will not search for god and you will be complete. and in this state of being one with the universe, your actions will happen without a sense of ego or gain.



Saturday, September 23, 2006

was i an angry person? musings from a silence camp.

i am back into the "real world" after a wonderful "Silence Camp". two days of introspection and contemplation. a few realisations of what i have become and a potential insight into why i was operating as i was operating.

i never imagined that a group of fifty people could be together in silence for most of two days. of course, manjo was talking and taking the group through the process, throughout.

if you want to know what happens in a silence camp, i would suggest that you attend one and findout for yourself.

this was my second silence camp. the first one was a different kind of experience, that camp was at a resort by side of the sea and quite a lot of my time was spent thinking of food, especially fish, more specifically the fired kind, coated with wonderful south indian spices/masala, the kind you get in kerala.

this time around it was much better, not much time spent on food, actually was not very hungry at all.

somewhere at the start of the second day, i kinda felt a thought intruding upon me, a thought that somewhere deep down i am angry. i was startled, i have always been a happy sort of person. and i always belived that i had not let anything effect my equilibrium. since there was lot of silence around and within me, i kinda kept looking at this strange (at least to me strange) thought, kept prodding it from different sides. trying to wake it up, trying to find out how this strange creature looked like. nothing much was revealed. then i kept this thought aside and started examining my past actions. what i think, i could see was, something which kind of kicked me off balance for sometime.

i used to think that i was un-effected by things which impacted me and those things which used to cause anger in me. i always thought that i was letting go off the anger and that i was not getting effected by this letting go. i think what had happened was that i had forgotten the action which had caused me momentary anger, but the residue of that anger was etched and imprinted on my very being. and this i think has been building and building and building over my essence. this layer which was coated on my essence, was filtering all my experiences and through this filter everything was looking ugly,dark and distorted.

i have always been an introspective sort of chap, wonder why i was not able to catch this? bloody filters.

these and a few other things which have been happening to me over the years have made me realise that, i have been on a path, a path which has been taking me higher, a few steps at a time. i am sure if i had not had the experience which i had gone through my dream "relationship" with the "goddess" i would not have come to this realisation.

the unconditional love which i have been experiencing for everyone , seems to have finally dawned on me. this and the silence and the absence of fried fish,i guess, is what took me the next level. (still need to work on the unconditional love part, met a few people in the camp for who i had no feeling or emotions other than a feeling of detachment, everyone needs love like i do!!)

just by being aware that this coating was happening on my "soul" seems to have had an effect of removing this coating.

love, no filters, tears. life is wonderful.

on the way back, i had a intellectual discussion with on of the participants on the value of reading self help books. like i said it was a discussion. a day latter,a though stuck me, how can man write about improving god's wonderful creation? (i think i had read about this somewhere else)

p.s: may update some more stuff in this post if and when i feel there is something to be added to complete this. i know this looks kind of vague. but hey you, there ain't any manual written for us humans.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

beast nor a burden

And by chance (or was it some cosmic design!?) I got my hands on a few books written by a master, from a shop, at a place I have never been to earlier. Reading them I further realized certain implications of my goddess dream. Through out my dream there was an undercurrent of eroticism. Sex and Sexuality. What a beast and what a burden.

I realized that in my dream there was a strong desire, a desire to be intimate in the dream.

I always did wonder why we humans are so scared of sex and our sexuality. Why do we repress feeling about something which is so godly? Why do we hide the act of sex?

The master had a few words to say on this. At the time of your orgasm, you are in total emptiness, where there is no “I” and there is no ego. He goes on to talk a lot around this point.

And what are my thoughts? There are no thoughts, no feelings, just a direct and deep connection to oneness during that instant of time when you experience an orgasm.

The master goes on to talk of the high price you pay to experience this emptiness, the state of Samadhi. The price he talks of is the loss of your vital energy at the time of the orgasm.

If you were given a chance to achieve the same state of Samadhi without going through the rituals of courting, sex and loss of vital energy, would you take it?

I guess the universal answer would be a maybe? And the route to achieve this state of samadhi? Mediation! With mediation you can achieve the same state of emptiness and no ego, anytime you want to, and on your own.

The oneness which you achieve with your partner during the act of sex is unbelievable, your egos have disappeared, there is no “I” and there are no walls between the two of you.

There is only emptiness and silence! Into this emptiness pours in love and joy.

It ain’t no beast, nor ain’t a burden. sex ain't no more a high priority thought. and funny that with such a tiny mind shift, suddenly life has new meaning now. i am seeing people in a totally different shade of blue.

was sex and erotica really something which was driving me till a few weeks back? man, so much time has been wasted on this. my relationship with naina, tania and other people i know have moved to a different level, where there is a constant feeling of love.

but the funny part of this growth/realisation of mine is that, i seem to be operating at a plane where not many people are operating or maybe i have not met them yet or maybe i still need to un-fuckup myself more before i can be with the real people.

i have a strong feeling the world is still looking at me as if i am thinking with my balls.

the bliss ,love and esctacy is what is driving a me.

(a silent thank you to my guru who has put me onto the path that i am travelling now.)