middle path : deep impact
we let external activities impact us because we are connected to the past or the future.
something which i have observed in myself is that i used to either be in the past or be in the future.
about the past, nothing can be done, it is just information of events which one has gone through. and which you will use when you think, information which you need like your name, where you stay, your nationality etc . other than that it does not serve any purpose.
when you analyse or when you teach , you are coming in from the past.
being in the future, we build expectations. and when these are not fullfilled, the feeling of being wronged will be moved into your past and then you keep juicing this thought, enjoying the fact that you are miserable and place the responsibilty of your current emotional state on something (or someone) which has happened in the past.
we get stuck again and again in the same cycle. the future, nothing can be done.
vipassana,witnessing or whatever you want to call it ,is the path. the great masters of the past have talked about it.
one method which can be used for being in the moment and which i have seen working is being with your breath. i came across this wonderful concept from naina ,she had come across this during her explorations of spirituality, listening to people expound on the theories of the old masters.
simply put, you just watch your breath moving in and out of your body.
osho talks of 4 points which you can observe when you breath, the breath moving in, a movement when there is a pause/gap of no activity before you exhale, then you start exhaling and then again a pause/gap of no activity before the inhalation starts again.
when you are being with your breath, you will observe all your actions, you will be able to observe your thoughts as it comes. and a couple of other things happen to you which you can figure out yourself when you do this.
i have seen, when you are in this state, creativity bursting out, joy, happiness and love. above all a strange kind of awareness, as if you are watching yourself from outside.
got to tell this, being with your breath is no easy task. you persist and persist and one day without effort it will happen for you. i am still in the presisting state and already feeling good things!
when you are in the present, you are just being with the event. not analysing, not imprinting your "wisdom" onto the flow of events. i think it was osho who said that, even by observing that a rose is beautiful, you have filtered your interaction with the rose by using your past learning of what is beautiful. even in that tiny instant of making a judgement you have moved out of the present into your past.
the only path i can see is the middle path, and that is being in the present.
since i have no ideas as to what buddha ment by the middle path, i would like to think that he ment the path of being in the present. the middle path, the path between the past and the future.
be in bliss.
(ps: this entire note is derived because i have been dwelling into my past. this amount of my time has now moved into the past.)
Labels: Soma